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My Tatas Matter #NationalWomensMonth

Hey Hey Believers Hey Hey,

Have you ever had people hit you with “Girl, you’re doing too much!” or “It doesn’t take all that!” or “It’s not that bad, I’ve done it before and you’re just being extra”?

I’ve heard that a lot, a whole lot…

And there’s probably some things people have told you about yourself that made you question/doubt yourself or you've felt like no one understood you.

Well, let me be the first to tell you it’s okay. I’ve been right there with you.

Recently, I went to the doctor...actually, I went and got my first mammogram. Yes, I know I’m noooo where near 40. I’m just kidding. It’s only 3 years away; however, I felt a lump. I actually felt several and instead of putting it off as if it were going to disappear like the Harry Potter Invisible Cloak, I made the appointment and took action.

I must admit the experience was quite pleasant. The woman was so nice...I mean she did just break my #MammogramVirginity, but we had great conversation as she pulled my body here, lifted this part of my body there, and instructed me when to inhale, exhale, all while I was trying not to poot. I just think that’s the most embarrassing thing...pooting in front of the doctor while they’re examining you. I mean, I know they’ve seen and smelt worse, but the thought still goes through my mind. #DontJudgeMe

After praying, asking my momma to pray, and asking my whole Soteria Ministry Sisters to pray as well, I knew my breast was cancer free. I just knew it. My faith did not waiver, but I was surprised when the doctor did say I had Fibrotic Cysts.

What the heck is that? Well, I’m glad you asked.

Fibrocystic breasts are very common in over 50% of women ages 20-50. They’re noncancerous changes likely due to hormonal changes and affect the breast tissue. You can read more about it here from Dr. Bhargava:

The news was shocking at first, but the relief I felt afterwards gave me a major peace of mind. Like that peace you get from God when you finally understand what’s going on with you. Have you ever just dealt with things in life or as we love to say “keep it moving” without really understanding or dissecting what’s going on with us?

I have.

For years, I always wondered why I couldn’t breastfeed my babies, a gift given to mothers to provide nourishment for our babies. And I would internally beat myself up because I would try and try, even consulted a lactation nurse, and asked friends to help, but the pain was still unbearable. I would meet women, young and old, sharing their stories and when I would say, "I tried to breastfeed and couldn't do it" , baby I would get the stares and the comments to follow. I would hear, "It didn't hurt that bad." or "It hurts at first, but then you get used to it." or "You just didn't want to do it." And I would find myself going through a spiral of explanations and details of these horrid events including the time I tried to bear the pain so badly that I saw blood come from my breast.

So you can imagine the magical moment, like a revelation that happened right there in the doctor's office when I heard the news. No, I didn’t have cancer, praise God. And yes, there was an explanation as to why my breasts were too tender for breastfeeding which had nothing to do with me being a selfish mother.

In this Get Your I.S.H. Together Blog, we all may need to stop, breathe, and take some time in knowing that everyone may not understand us, but we do have someone that does...Daddy God, our Heavenly Father. We may be extra for some and sensitive in the eyes of others, but that's okay because we're fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalms 119:13-14) Just because someone doesn't understand us or our story doesn't mean we get to beat them up or ourselves for that matter. As you continue this journey called "life", God will give you more and more insight, revelation, and understanding of who you are and why He created you for such a time as this.

Even with today's message, let's make some time to take care of ourselves. Getting an understanding about an issue we’ve been putting off for too long, may just unlock the inner healing we need to overcome a lie we’ve told ourselves, heard about ourselves for years, walk in forgiveness toward ourselves, or maybe even just love ourselves some more.

March is National Women’s History month and we should not be afraid to go to the doctor, seek a nutritionist, fitness trainer, counselor, or even the chiropractor so we can be better wives, mothers, daughters, sisters, and friends.

Because women give birth to life, if something happens to us then all else dies. It’s time to get our ISH together and become our own best friend, boo!

With love,

Your BFF (Breast Friend Forever) DeLisa ❤



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